What is the Round the Horn Race?

This is the annual sail around Horn Island and it was a great race!  The race is held at the Ocean Spring Yacht Club with racing in the Biloxi Bay, Mississippi Sound, and the Gulf of Mexico, around Horn Island.  The course was sailed counter-clockwise around Horn Island.

My Team

The boat I was crew on took 3rd place in the spinnaker class, with an elapsed time of just under 5 hours, and traveled about 50 nautical miles.  My skipper was Ashley van der Meulen, from New Orleans, LA. His boat was a Nacra 20.

Definitely a fun, long race, that I’ll be looking forward to next year.  I didn’t have a good camera mount on this boat, or any hands-free time to get camera footage, but here’s a little video of the day.


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